Zoom presentation/It'll all come out in the Wash
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Start Date/Time:
22 March 2022 18:00
End Date/Time:
22 March 2022 19:00
Zoom Meeting
Gilliane Sills

The speakers will be Anne and Dennis Kell, who, in July 2021, sailed their Parker 275 "Redshank" from Ipswich on the River Orwell in Suffolk, north to Lowestoft and around the corner to North Norfolk and the Wash. The charts warned of dragons, but instead, they found an extremely helpful and friendly group of Parker Seal sailors and wonderful sailing grounds that are ideally suited for our family of boats along with many opportunities to explore the local area, its harbours, beaches, wildlife, pubs and history.

"It'll All Come Out in the Wash" is a brief guide to the planning, sailing and experiences on the trip. It may also tempt you to join Phill Smith's rally at the end of June this summer, the first to be organised for some years.

We hope you'll join us.  The Zoom link has been sent to all members by email.  If you're a PSSA member and haven't received it, please email membership@parkerseal.org.uk

Owned by Gilliane Sills On 11 March 2022