Zoom Talk - Make your Surveyor Redundant
Start Date/Time:
11 January 2023
End Date/Time:
11 January 2023
Zoom Talk

Starts 18:00

Zoom Talk by Mike Horwood, who is a professional surveyor with impressive qualifications - he is both a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Marine Engineer and a full member of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology.  As a PSSA member, and owner of a Super Seal, he understands our sort of boats.   His talk will have the following title and summary:  

Make your surveyor redundant….. 

Now that most of us less hardy types have laid up our boats for winter it is a good time to carry out a few simple checks to try to avoid any nasty surprises following launch in the spring. 

The talk will be based around some horror stories uncovered as well as the more mundane issues usually dealt with as part of routine maintenance.  I’ll try to include simple checks on basic hull structure, keels (lifting and otherwise), skin fittings and seacocks, rudder, mast and rigging, engine and sterngear, electrical systems etc. etc. 

Owned by Gilliane Sills On 22 December 2022