Click on each event for full details. Switch to Calendar view using the icons on the right.

To help the organisers, please enrol for any event you are attending, click on Enrol for each Event (you must be logged on)

Also if you have enrolled, but have changed your plans and wish to be removed from the list, contact either the event organiser or webmaster

The organisers' contact details are in the PSSA handbook

Calendar (to enrol please logon)

Event StartEvent EndTitleLocationWhereOrganiser
Sat 27 Jul Sat 27 Jul Newtown Creek Rally Solent Newtown Creek Hilary Martin
Sat 3 Aug Sun 4 Aug Southampton Town Quay Rally Solent Southampton Paul and Donna Gray
Sat 24 Aug Mon 26 Aug August Bank Holiday Rally Solent Solent Area Organiser required
Sat 14 Sep Sun 15 Sep RVYC Fishbourne IOW Solent Fishbourne IOW Hilary Martin
Thu 19 Sep Sun 22 Sep IOW Jazz Weekend Solent Newport IOW John Clack
Sat 5 Oct Sun 6 Oct Autumn Rally- Cowes Solent Cowes Peter Lowry
Sun 24 Nov Sun 24 Nov Laying Up Lunch, Fareham Solent Fareham Stephen Roy


Anyone who wishes to organise a rally is very welcome to spring forward and volunteer, just let our Sailing Secretary know and they will give you all the information and guidence required.

Please all be reminded that they and their guests participating in PSSA events entirely at their own risk - see section 18 of the PSSA Constitution (at the back of the Members handbook).