Graham Ebb
I am thinking of upgrading my existing pin adjusted Genoa cars to remote operated ones to avoid sending the crew forward. I have looked on the Barton Marine web site and I believe that I can upgrade without having to replace the existing tracks. Simply replace the cars and one track end fitting.

Has anyone else considered this? or better still has anyone actually done it? I would be intrested to know if there are any hidden problems.


Graham Ebb

235/25 Blue Jazz

I spoke to Bill about this the other week...he showed me the Barton cataloge and asked me if I wanted him to order the bits... (no price)

I declinde for now.

The demo boat has an adjustable track and is a different profile. It has ballbearing runners...

He said the exiting track will work but might not move forward under load.

But yes ...change the cars and the forward end stop to a turning block and a cleat with the other clutches.

My signature.

Parker 235/ 40 Lady Penelope...

Paul Burton.

Wayfarer no.9362

Graham Ebb

Thanks for your info, I have been waiting for a response to me emails to Barton marine. They think that the slide type genoa cars that fit the existing track may not move under heavy load conditions, but suggest that just easing the sheets a little will enable them to be moved. I can then reset the sheet. This allows me to adjust the genoa car positions without asking my crew to go forwards, which is my main objective.

I will be adding to your suggested parts with an end fitting on the rear end of the track as well as the front. The front end block will also have a becket. This allows me to have movement in both directions with the use of a strong bungy fitted to the rear of the genoa cars.

I am about to request the costs from Mailspeed Marine. I will let you know in due course.


Graham Ebb

235/25 Blue Jazz

Thanks Graham...Keep us informed and make a note of the part no.

I will be very interested in the costs...

My signature.

Parker 235/ 40 Lady Penelope...

Paul Burton.

Wayfarer no.9362

Graham Ebb
I have at last received the prices from Mailspeed Marine for the towable system as follows:-

Barton Marine 25mm T Track

Towable Genoa Car 2:1 Ref: 25220 53.49 each

Track End Fitting Ref: 25210 11.99 each

Track End Fitting with Becket Ref: 25221 12.49 each

There are various options in the way these fittings can be set up, so it depends on the system you choose.

I am planning to use the 2:1 system, although there is a straight 1:1 option, and using strong bungee on the aft end of the car to assist it moving aft, which requires a track end fitting at the aft end as well as the front. If you decide on the 2:1 pull cars then you will need the track end fitting with the becket at the forward end.

You will also need some type of cleat on the coach roof.

One problem is that the line coming back from the front of the track will drag straight across the top of the deck organiser and all the other lines going back to the clutches. A possible solution to this would be to use a snatch block fixed to a becket on the aft track end fitting to divert the line, although I have not checked the alignment of this yet.

Barton have advised that this system will not move under high load. The solution is to ease the sheet before adjusting.

I have not yet decided weather or not to proceed with the system. I am still trying to decide if it will be of much benefit.

Does any one have any experience of these systems ?

Graham Ebb

235/25 Blue Jazz