The indexing process of the manuals is still being carried out, the following table summarises the status of its progress
Boat Class |
Manuals |
Word |
Parker 335 |
Yes |
Yes |
Parker 325 |
Yes |
Yes |
Parker 31 |
Yes |
No |
Parker 285 |
Yes |
Yes |
Parker 275 |
Yes |
Yes |
Parker 27 |
Yes |
No |
Parker 235 |
Yes |
Yes |
Seal 850 |
Yes |
No |
Seal 28 |
Yes |
No |
Super Seal 26 |
Yes |
No |
Seal Sinbad |
Yes |
No |
Seal 22 |
Yes |
No |
Parker 21 |
Yes |
No |
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