Has anyone tried setting up the rig using the dimensions given in the manual? With a tape measure carefully aligned to the top of the black band, the distance to the aft edge of the transom (with all rigging slack) should be 34' 6" according to the manual. That sets the mast rake, which is determined by the forestay length.

I have just put my mast in that position and confirmed that it does not correspond to the forestay length of 9.22m given in the manual - the forestay would need to be about 120mm (4.75") shorter... (The forestay length seems to correspond to the wire plus the chain plate adjusters, down to the clevis pin.)

Moreover, to get my mast in that position, the cap shrouds have to be unscrewed to their maximum extent, which is fine because that is the starting position for tightening the rig. However, my cap shrouds are over 200mm (8") shorter than the lengths given in the manual! (I've stretched them out on the ground and measured them.) If they were 8" longer, I'd never get them anywhere near tight! My lowers are fine but, again, they are 6" (150mm) shorter than the manual says...

I'm left wondering what to do. I've fitted a new forestay with a Stalok terminal, so I can cut it to length. But what length? If I make it the same as the old one (which was essentially the same as the manual, given the adjustment available on the chain plate adjusters), my mast will be raked about 7" more than the manual specifies. But if I set the length using the mast rake, the forestay will be a lot shorter than the manual specifies.

Is my mast too short, or is my boat too short, have I made a mistake or is there a mistake in the manual and, if so, in which dimension? Does anyone know, please? (A prompt reply would be much appreciated because my mast is up with slack rigging at the moment!)

Anthony Russell
235/02 Sea Wyche
Anthony Russell
235/02 Sea Wyche
Decision made. From what I could work out, the manual's measurement of 34' 6" corresponds to a rake angle of barely 1 degree, whereas the specified forestay length corresponds to nearer 3 degrees. According to Ivar Dedekam's rig tuning book, the recommended rake for fractional rigs is 2 - 3 degrees, so I decided to keep the forestay length. Also, it seemed alright last season but if the weather helm seems excessive, I can cut some more off the forestay to reduce the rake.

Anthony Russell
235/02 Sea Wyche
Anthony Russell
235/02 Sea Wyche