Chris Turner of
Elsa has alerted me that there have been changes at Timbrells Quay since last year. This is what he reports:
You may not know that the central quay has been completely refurbished. This is now clay/gravel, not grass as before, and although the old rotting piles have been replaced with stout ones they are cut off flush leaving nothing to tie up to. Stakes needed! There is also a lot of debris below and may need a clearup. I was on top of it and not too happy!
Other photos attached show a new large concrete block at the far corner of the sloping 'bay' which we use so much. The bottom is ok in that area and I have also cleared the inner part of the very last bit of quay nearest the mill.
Also attached is a photo of the 'first' quay which still has a wired gravel section in the middle on the bottom and is pretty rough, though much the same as it has always been.
I'll get down there sometime before the rally and check it out!
Parker 21 / 18 Dawn