Keith M
We have just started sailing Cascada - which we purchased last Autumn. As she sits on a drying mooring we are finding that the rudder grounds frequently in the shallows. As a result the downhaul rope tends to "give" at the point of least resistance which is the securing knot in the rudder. Over time I suspect the hole in the rudder has enlarged slightly which means the basic stop knot releases via the hole. I would be interested to know if the rudder has been designed to "give" via the knot or whether we might be able to fit an alternative arrangement on the tiller so that when we are in the shallows the downhaul releases when the rudder touches the bottom. We are considering fitting a stainless steel washer into the hole which will stop the knot from releasing but if it is designed to give there I am worried we might do more damage. I have searched other threads and cannot seem to find an answer to this but please forgive me if I missed it. Many Thanks.
Paul Morris
Copied off Heart of Glass. Where the Downhaul is attached to the tiller. (on ours with a highfield lever). We use some very thin cord in a loop (eg. whipping line) for final attachment. If you do ground the blade, this breaks not damaging anything else. But keep some ready made at hand for quick replacement. Hope this helps cheers Paul SS26/4
Originally posted by Paul Morris

Copied off Heart of Glass. Where the Downhaul is attached to the tiller. (on ours with a highfield lever). We use some very thin cord in a loop (eg. whipping line) for final attachment. If you do ground the blade, this breaks not damaging anything else. But keep some ready made at hand for quick replacement. Hope this helps cheers Paul SS26/4

I've fitted one of these to the tiller, its simple and cheap, and the release pressure can be adjusted. 

I've 6mm line, and fitted a fairlead in front of it for the line to go through.


Keith M
Originally posted by stargazy

Originally posted by Paul Morris

Copied off Heart of Glass. Where the Downhaul is attached to the tiller. (on ours with a highfield lever). We use some very thin cord in a loop (eg. whipping line) for final attachment. If you do ground the blade, this breaks not damaging anything else. But keep some ready made at hand for quick replacement. Hope this helps cheers Paul SS26/4

I've fitted one of these to the tiller, its simple and cheap, and the release pressure can be adjusted. 

I've 6mm line, and fitted a fairlead in front of it for the line to go through.



Daniel - Are these the type of thing you have fitted and if so which size? Did you fit the port or starboard fairlead or does it not matter?

Thanks again.


Daniel - Are these the type of thing you have fitted and if so which size? Did you fit the port or starboard fairlead or does it not matter?

Thanks again.


Hi Keith 

You want the rope from the downhaul to come through one of these on the tiller, and then into the camcleat.

I put two on, one about 5cms behind the camcleat, and one further up the tiller to loop the loose end of the line in when the downhaul was cleated off. I attached the camcleat on the side of the tiller, about 18inches from the back on the side.


Keith M
Thanks Daniel. Have sourced the auto release clamcleat from local chandlers . Will be fitting Saturday morning. Fingers crossed.
chris nichols
Hi All,
If you fit a second fairlead further up the tiller to look after the spare line, be sure to check that the trip-cleat can actually work - putting spare line through this second fairlead can prevent the trip happening.
chris P27 Artemis
I fitted an elastic band around the tiller (bungee)that way any spare line after the auto release clamcleat can be looped under it out of the way and no danger of it snagging.(As recommended by the manufacturer)

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel
Crew of Juicy Blue P235
Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel
Crew of Juicy Blue P235