  • Gary
  • Member Topic Starter
Its time to fetch Juicy Blue home. I thought it would be a good idea to have a spare hub made up with a sealed for life bearing.Does anyone have a part number or name for the hub? my R M Trailer instructions just says it could be Avonride X or Y series and if the bearing falls apart when the hub is removed then a new bearing unit and/or hub will be required. The bearings cannot always be replaced on their own.


Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

  • Gary
  • Member Topic Starter
Got my get out of jail free card in the form of a spare replacement hub in the event of breakdown with our R M Trailer.



Total cost inc. delivery £95.62.

The product code for this type of hub that comes with sealed for life bearings,4 wheel nuts,a hub cap and one shot nut is AD200SA455SB

Good service from Peak Trailers (Contact- Ms.Anke Muller Tel.01789 778041) manufacturers of the axles. If your trailer axle is Peak be sure to check the green label and serial number attached to the axle.

I will hopefully never get to use it, but it provides some peace of mind and the ability to get out of trouble at the side of the road should the inevitable happen as this type of bearing is not one that can be easily changed. I used to have breakdown recovery with the AA however on enquiry our P235 was outside their limits.

Hope this helps someone, I had quite a time in tracking down the correct hub in the comfort of my own home, I would have had no chance at the side of the road.

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Hello Gary,

I admire your preparedness! I too have sealed bearings but I don't have a spare hub. It would be yet another big heavy lump to accommodate while towing!

On your comment about the AA, I think this is another of the many areas of confusion surrounding trailers, dimensions, legal limits, etc. I'm with Britannia Rescue and they told me that the trailer (with boat) could be recovered. Just as with the legal dimensions for a trailer - which the boat is allowed to overhang at the back and sides - the recovery trucks have limits on trailer sizes they can pick up. But I believe the boat can overhang those limits. So you need to make sure the AA understands both the size of the boat and the size of the trailer (i.e. axle position with respect to tow hitch).

Sorry if you already know this and the AA has still rejected it but I thought it worth pointing out. (Also, I haven't tested this by breaking down and having the trailer recovered, so perhaps I've been misinformed! I am confident, though, that the boat could be accommodated on one of those big recovery trucks that the AA and others have.)

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

  • Gary
  • Member Topic Starter
Hi Anthony,

Hope you had a good season, winter is upon us all to soon. We have Juicy Blue back home now, we had a good trip albeit we have a steep drive and suffered a little clutch burn backing the trailer up. Regarding breakdown cover I wrote to the AA and included dimensions etc with our previous boat a Swift 18. I included a photograph and asked the defining question... if they would recover boat and trailer in the event of short no.Perhaps things have changed more recently? I have heard good things about Brittania Rescue and share your confidence up to a point. I may drop them a line or two along with a photo and dimensions and ask them the defining question also, before parting with my hard earned.I will post their reply when I get around to it unless someone beats me to it[:)] The last thing you want is to be in any doubt when stuck at the side of the road arguing the toss with the breakdown man about whether or not you are covered. If you google around there are a few horror stories. The new hub weighs in at 9kg and gives me some peace of mind. Nice to hear from you.

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Yes, we had a great season, thanks. The best yet. The trouble is that some of the best sailing was in the final trip, during our October 'heatwave', so I'm feeling particularly wistful now that the boat is back up on her hill for the winter!

I hope you enjoyed your first season with Juicy Blue.

You've got me doubting my breakdown cover now. It sounds like you checked carefully with the AA. It seems unlikely that the AA should use smaller lorries than others. I only obtained confirmation over the phone, so I think I'd better check again!

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche