Our new to us Parker 275 has the original fixed rungs on the transom for boarding, which are fine for using from our inflatable dinghy, but we find them too high for getting back on-board after swimming, would also be tricky in a MOB situation.

We haven’t managed to get to any of the Parker rallies for one reason or another, have been doing minor alterations plus getting used to the boat before attempting the slightly daunting drying out anchorages the Parkers seem to love.

We would like to put a drop down ladder over the existing fixed rungs, or alternatively remove the fixed rungs completely and use the same fixing points. Has anyone done this already? If so, where did you get the ladder and was it specially made?


Ken Surplice
Hello Alchemist,

I recognise the situation. I chose to keep the existing rungs in place on our P275. They are very sturdy and I prefer to use them for boarding our dinghy. I mounted a fold down ladder on the opposite side. The rudder still has full movement, when folded the lower end of the ladder clears the water when underway, and when lowered I can get in and out after a swim. The tricky part is getting the right height and position to clear the engine exhaust, fit under the lip at the top of the transom and clear the water when underway, but it can be done. The ladder was in stock at Force 4 chandlery. They have many to choose from. I'll take a photo if the weather allows us to get out this weekend and keep my eyes open to see if other owners replaced the rungs as you propose.


Ken Surplice
I took a few photos of ladder installations over the bank holiday and will share them shortly. Cheers-Ken
David Smith

We had the same problem when we purchased Blythe Spirit our 285 HS.  What we have now looks really professional and fit for purpose!


Here are a couple of photos of our new ladder, custom made locally in Poole to our spec.