One of the axles on my West Mersea Trailer's 4 wheel trailer has collapsed! The boat has been lifted off and a close inspection of the trailer would indicate that there a multitude of problems just waiting to manifest themselves so I've decided to bite the bullet and buy new. I know that RM trailers and Mersea Trailer have made a number of trailers for the 235 but DOES ANYBODY KNOW OF ANY OTHER FIRM THAT ARE LIKELY TO HOLD PLANS for a 235 trailer? As I'm loosing sailing time an early reply would be appreciated!

Robin Cooter. 235 Ossie.

If anybody wants my old trailer, which will cost about a 1000 to fit a new axle (So the yard tells me, including labour) it would give a few years service as a "once in once out" trailer as long as its hosed down with fresh water each time it has been in the water. Wheels can be take off the broken axle and it can safely be towed with no weight on. Free to a good home.


Simon Barker
Hi Robin,

I have an RM trailer for a 235 purchased new about 8 years which I could be persuaded to sell. It has been lightly used but the problem, perhaps, is that it is located just outside Truro in Cornwall. Let me know if of interest to you.


Simon Barker.

Hi Robin, I have a Hayling Trailers Ltd galvanised double axle road trailer new 2014, never immersed in salt water, less than 50 road miles from new that I am looking to sell. It is for a Seal 22 Mk3 so I am not sure if it is the right size for a 235. It is located near Chichester.

Regards, Paul Willmott