We would still like this rally to go ahead, but due to the current Coronavirus situation, this is currently on hold until we get further information. More updates will be available nearer the time


I’m sure we’re all missing our boats and sailing on the lovely open water in the sunny weather – hopefully we will be back there soon.

As I was organising our PSSA rally for next weekend, I thought it would be nice to still ‘meet’ up and celebrate the May day / VE weekend.

Join our Zoom call on Saturday at 9th May at 5pm

Topic: PSSA Zoom rally
Time: May 9, 2020 05:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 795 3412 4020

The Zoom call is only 40 minutes, but it will be good to ‘see’ everyone and say hello to all fellow Seals.
I shall run a short quiz at 5:10, so that everyone can take part

Hope to ‘see’ you Saturday
