peter lowry
Hello Seal's

With uncertain times ahead, I thought i would write to you all via our website.
Last Saturday your comittee met via group skype for the first time- welcome to the 21st century!

As we are all in lock down it was decided not to publish our next newsletter due in June , the virus has made it impossible to get to the printers and probably lack of any articles to go in it.
The next one will go to print at the end of October, so look our for a bumber filled edition !.

For those who are not afloat I am sure most of those jobs were completed and your boats all look shiney and polished, I know at my sailing club we have a few "Seals" that are looking very nice albeit not getting their bottoms wet. For those who are afloat ,myself included, this makes it a bit frustration as following the goverment guidelines we cant even get to the boat to sit on her and have a glass of vino---- all clubs and yards are closed anyway,
All the scrubbing pads and liftout facilities and beaches are going to be very busy when we eventually get on board again.

I read an article from the Hamble River Harbour Master advising all yachties, surfboarder and conoeists not to go on the water. They had to send the lifeboat to a single handed sailor who ran aground on the Hamble bank on a falling tide putting the crew is social distancing danger.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask you all to stay safe, healthy and stay at home.

We will weather this storm and look forward to a mega post virus rally and seeing you all somewhere on the water soon

Perhaps I wont end this time with Happy Sealing (as we are not)

Keep safe and well

Peter Lowry
"Sophia" P275 #53