  • AndyD
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I found that my Tohatsu 6 sail drive outboard was just too noisy and have invested in a new Yamaha 6B, twin cylinder engine which is amazingly smooth and quiet, if quite a bit more expensive (and heavier) than the old Tohatsu, but to me worthwhile.

I would like to properly ensure it is locked and secured to the best of my ability, and to satisfy the insurance company. However, all the 'usual' locks are pretty well ineffectual on our 235's as the ne'er do wells can just lift the engine straight up on the engine mount in the well slides!

I'm loathe to bolt in the wooden insert into the slides as I use them to 'lift' the engine.

How do other owners secure their outboards..?
I'm thinking maybe of some kind of bracket that will secure the engine direct down into the hull - something along those lines?
I'll also probably get one of those very loud audible alarms and a 'tracker' tag.

Any thoughts or idea's welcome!


P235 No. 65 'Swift'
John Edwards
Engine Envy

Hi Andy, I have either 2 or 3 locks on my outboard.

One is permanent – a wire + padlock from the from the front handle of the outboard to the port side where the petrol tank lives. That is permanent on the basis that if something happens! the engine and boat go together.

The second is a much ‘stronger’ cable + padlock, off an old motorbike, which goes from the front handle to the tag on the stern.

The third, a chain covered in yellow hosepipe, that goes from the front handle to a rear cleat. I tend to put this on during the busy holiday periods or when there is a low tide. Much more of a visible deterrent.

Touch wood – seems to have worked so far.

Good luck

235/07 Diamond
  • AndyD
  • Newbie Topic Starter
Thanks for the information John. That arrangement sounds quite formidable!

Looking on line at outboard locks and they all seem to say 'approved by insurers' so I contacted my insurers (GJW Direct) who say:

We don’t specify what security method you use for the outboard motor but as long as its value is stated on the Certificate it would be covered unless it is not fitted with an Anti-theft device in addition to the normal method of attachment.

I'm aware that a determined thief with a battery powered angle grinder will get just about anything off very quickly, so I guess it will be a compromise of a secure lock (anti theft device!) against minimising the damage they will cause in relieving me of my shiny new expensive outboard engine.


P235 65 'Swift'