Hello David,
Congratulations on your new purchase, I am sure you will not be disappointed. We have number 25 " Blue Jazz", see photos in members photo page. We have completed two season and we are looking foreward to getting her back on here mooring this weekend.
With regards to options, I guess it depends on your personal choice and type of sailing, but a few things worth thinking about might be
a) If not having the spinniker option, do ask for the fittings to be installed, you can then upgrade later with ease.
b) I would recommend a full set of navigation lights.
C) I have the 6hp Tohatsu 4 stroke sail drive, which performs well.
d) When we bought ours the standard water tank was under the companionway. We changed ours to two smaller ones in the forepeak, which makes it easier to lift in two smaller ones than one big one.
e) I would recommend a two speed winch on the starboard side to lift the keel. It is possible with the single speed but it is much easier with the two speed.
f) If you think you might want curtains in the cabin at a later date, ask for wooden bearers to be fitted behind the head lining ready to take the fittings later.
g) We had the hull epoxy coated before anti-foulling, a good investment for the longer term.
As you will realise there are plenty of options to choose from, so sit back and enjoy your deliberations, I hope the above has been helpfull. If you want to ask any other questions please feel free to ask.
Graham Ebb
Graham Ebb