Brian R Fisher
It may be because I am getting older but my keel seems to be harder to raise. We have taken out and lubricated the blocks and that seems to have helped but it is still not as easy as it used to be.

Our boat is only two seasons old.

Has anyone else any clever ideas for things I could look out for?

Brian Fisher Thrift (44)

PS I think Bill may have sold another boat - someone was very intersted in ours so I did the pitch. Do I get commission?

Brian - can't help re. the keel, but regarding the commission yes, you certainly should get something! Word of mouth recommendation is the strongest sales tool!

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Geoff Harwood
On my 21 I made the keel raising thing a lot easier by replacing the plain blocks with ball-bearing equivalents. That plus putting the rope in the washing machine in a towel load eash year has made things much easier. I can now pull it up (just) without using the winch. But then mine is only 500lb - probably less than yours?

Geoff Harwood 21/30 Cygnus

Geoff Harwood
P S another clever thing you could do would be to join the Association :o)

Suitable forms elsewhere on this site - I'm Memb Sec so have to do this - sorry!


Don Harvey
PS I think Bill may have sold another boat - someone was very interested in ours so I did the pitch. Do I get commission?

Well why not ring Bill - I'm sure he will be most accommodating; however - I wouldn't suggest you then ask for help wrt your keel problem.


Don Harvey

Web Master

Parker 325 'Calypso'


Don Harvey

Don Harvey
Suitable forms elsewhere on this site 


Don Harvey

Web Master

Parker 325 'Calypso'


Don Harvey

Brian R Fisher
Dear John - and Geoff

I give in - I'll join.

The form's completed and will be with our bank on Saturday!

Brian Fisher

Parker 235 'Thrift'