Neil Sinclair
The Seal 28 chain plates are substantial pieces of stainless steel but they poke through the deck with a small plate sandwiching some goo around them. Every year I spot water running down the bulkhead and know I have to replace the goo. This year, instead of goo, I have made up 3mm thick self adhesive silicon rubber gaskets to fit under the plates. I cut a tight - fit hole in the gasket first so that the gasket grips the chain plate. I stuck my gaskets to the plates before assembly to stop the long sides of the gasket hole from spreading outwards. In case there is movement of the chainplate (say, when hammering to windward in a force 6 - well I was young, once!) I have lightly greased the chain plate with silicon grease. I have done the main and after shrouds - no forward shrouds on Andiamo. What are my chances of dry bulkheads next season? I will report back!
Neil Sinclair
Seal 28/27
'Andiamo of Exe'