  • pipit
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I have bought parker 21 (pipit) with corroded keel eyebolt. Does anybody know the diameter of eyebolt thread and what is thread length. at the moment the horizontal hole at the top of the keel is clear I am unsure if thread of eyebolt went through this and has rusted out.

I note in the forum it is possible to replace with stainless strap and bolt through the keel does this create galvanic corrosion? Has anyone had any issues. Does the keel has adequate strength for this arrangement?

Any helps or opinions appreciated.


Hi Mike, I‘ve my old eyebold on Scoglietto I can measure it when I‘m on board next time if you like.
If I remember right the horizontal hole was clear (some putty in it, but no thread from the eyebold).
In my opinion the construction with the straps is much more solid than the eyebold. My problems were the twist in the block (you can see it on the pictures in the older thread „keel issue“) and it was impossible to control the eyebolt. There is more than enough material in the keel.
I worried about galvanic corrosion too. I filled some Zinga (it’s fluid zink) in the hole of the eyebold to get an anode (only for better sleeping - the straps are 3mm thick 316) and in the evening I always lift the keel at about 20cm to be sure eyebold and block (now straps and block) are above the waterline so galvanic corrosion can’t be an issue.
We did it in beginning of 2019 so we used for 2 seasons now and there is no sign of corrosion yet.
Jim Crick
It's a 12mm drop forged collared lifting eyebolt, currently £2.64 from www.liftingequipmentstore.com  (first up on Google search).

I change mine pretty routinely, although access is not particularly easy. Bill Parker told me to use any old sealant, even bathroom sealant, when screwing it back in.
Keel Eyebolts 2.JPG

Click to View Image13 View(s)

Keel Eyebolts 1.JPG

Click to View Image17 View(s)

  • pipit
  • Newbie Topic Starter

Looks like mine originally was 12mm and replaced with 10mm which can t get out.
Many thanks for advise.


  • pipit
  • Newbie Topic Starter

Thank you for idea with pulley. Will make up something up as you have.

Have you had any issues with wear or signs of it in horizontal cast iron hole which bolt goes through in keel ?

Do you have back up wire keel strop in second keel hole.

When sailing do you keep tension on keel lifting rope or leave tension off and rely on keel stop plate fixed to hull.

Have not yet sailed mine and want to get right before putting in water hence all the questions.



Hi mike,

it is no movement between the keel and the 316 plates because the plates are screwed tight in the angle they must have. So there are no wear problems in the horizontal hole.

I don't have a backup wire.

I do trust the plates the keel to stop it and the hull here is 2,5cm thick.

I do keep a little tension on my rope when sailing. If not the keel comes about 2cm to deep on the front and there is a little movement in waves, but I dont know why. With a bit tension on the rope the position is perfect and there is not a bit movement no matter of waves.

Have fun with your 21!



  • pipit
  • Newbie Topic Starter

Thanks again< given me more confidence. Just need to get sailing.
