David Bamber
Dear Folks,

I have made it a priority to get confirmed my travel plans to and from the UK.

The boss is only able to commit to the end of the year since our client wants everybody off the job at Christimas (this is the traditional time for making people redundant as you may know). But in any case most of us will probably be back next year anyway. The project is only 3 years late and 'first oil' is not expected until 2012. This sounds pretty much like my last job in Kazakhstan.

Anyway, travel dates are as follows:

Kazakhstan to UK: Sunday 25 July UK to Kazakhstan: Sunday 8 August

Kazakhstan to UK: Sunday 19 September UK to Kazakhstan: Sunday 3 October

Kazakhstan to UK: Sunday 14 October UK to Kazakhstan: Sunday 28 November

My mobile contact in Kazakhstan from Uk is +8 701 920 9068. Otherwise I am contactable on email.



David Bamber

David Bamber

David Bamber