  • BobS
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hi, having bought a Parker specifically for a drying mooring on mud (amongst other attributes), I was a little perturbed to find she sits with two blades of her propeller in the mud. I presume the small skeg is protecting the prop, but I was looking for some re-assurance that there is unlikely to be a serious risk of damage and that this is "normal"???
By the way, does anyone know what the "HS" of Parker 285 HS stands for?

I have a 285 HS sitting on the mud outside our house in Millbrook ,Cornwall. She has been there for over 6 years and has a Kiwi folding propeller which does sink into the mud a bit. I sail extensively ,leaving the mooring over 50 times a year and i can honestly say there has been no problem with the propeller. In fact only two problems, both well away from mooring, once a rope around it and spotted before any damage and a loss of propulsion due to weed which was quickly sorted by reversing.
Hope this reassures.

charles clements
Does the HS stand for High Spec?

charles clements

Spartacus 285
charles clements

Spartacus 285
Tim Reeder
Hi Bob

I have been on a drying mooring with a 2 bladed fixed prop on my 275 for 13 years. Rest assured there have been no problems.

My prop was not properly bonded to the anode so it suffered from elctrolysis. I have just bought a new one this year. Nothing to do with the mud though!



  • BobS
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hi Charles and Tim,
Very reassuring, Thank you.
Bob Simpson