Marvin Kowalewski

Hello to Parker built super seal 27 owners around the built number 138

I am looking for someone to measure the keel strop wire from the top of the keel box to the washer stop. Please stretch the wire before you measure.

Please ---Top of the keel box to washer--no need to open the box just make sure wire is stretched .
Thanks Marv

Marvin Kowalewski, Ph.D
Marvin Kowalewski, Ph.D
142 cm on my parker 27 num 149, hope that helps.
Marvin Kowalewski
Hello Sean,

Thank you so much----I will run a 142CM length of wire and see where it puts the keel.

I read Geoff's note with interest so I'll see if the keel can fall through as the boat is on a lift now.

Again thanks


Marvin Kowalewski, Ph.D
Marvin Kowalewski, Ph.D
Geoff Harwood
The first edition of the 26/27 tech handbook included a sketch in Brian Campbell-James' bit about sticky keels which has been missed out of recent editions. It might be of some interest to Marvin!UserPostedImage