Stephen Godber
Hi everyone! Well, did we choose the wrong week or what?! Left Mull last week, down to Kent, then to Boat Show and then to collect our new 235 last Thursday. It then took us 48 hours get back! We left Kirton at 1pm, and once the A66 re-opened crossed the Pennines to reach Carlisle by 7pm, in ferocious crosswinds. Next day we continued to Crianlarich, and phoned to find the smaller ferries cancelled, so proceeded to Oban for 2pm. The 4pm ferry was then cancelled followed by the 9.30pm, so we had no choice but to sleep in the car! We were the last vehicle on the next morning 8am ferry, which turned back after 10 minutes! So we eventually reached home at lunch on Saturday! (this is VERY abbreviated, I could do a full lecture tour on this trip!). Photo opportunities limited, but one 'Scottish' shot attached!![img]UserPostedImage[/img]
Stephen Godber
235/51 "Exodus"
Don Harvey

We have been thinking about you as we knew you had set off from Parkers. Glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound.

Look forward to the full record in an article for the magazine page - plus pictures?

Don Harvey
Parker 325 'Calypso'
Don Harvey
Graham Ebb

Congratulations on your purchase. I hope you have as much fun as we have had with ours, they are a great boat.

If you have any queries, please feel free to ask. I am sure one of us will be able to help.

Could have been worse.....could have tried sailing it back...!!

why didn't you sleep in the boat instead of the car....

Good luck and have fun...

My signature.

Parker 235/ 40 Lady Penelope...

Paul Burton.

Wayfarer no.9362
Stephen Godber
Hi again all - sorry for delayed reply, lightning strike removed communications! Thanks for your good wishes - much appreciated!
DON: I could do an article if you like - how many words (ish) and can I send it on-line?
GRAHAM: Thanks for the offer of help - I may well need rigging advice on this box of ropes, shackles, pulleys, sheets and shrouds! Bill showed us how to get the mast down but as we were trying to beat the coming storm I had one eye on the detail and (literally) a weather eye on the! So I may find some bits without obvious homes!!
PAUL: Didn't sleep aboard as boat full of stuff and no easy way on or off - wife has bad back, no step-ladder, SEA toilet not very friendly on a car park, and the car had heating. So car got the vote!!

Stephen Godber
235/51 "Exodus"
Don Harvey
DON: I could do an article if you like - how many words (ish) and can I send it on-line?


It can be of any length, but a similar article 'Saluja goes North' about trailing a Seal 26, by David Holmes, was in two parts of about 1500 words each; see part 1 in 2005 articles and Part 2 in 2006 at 

We could also publish the article in the Newsletter, but I could show more pictures in the Web version.

If you decide to put 'pen to paper', please e-mail it to me.

Don Harvey
Parker 325 'Calypso'
Don Harvey
Stephen Godber
Hi Don - I enjoyed the 'Saluja' article...will see what I can do!
Stephen Godber
235/51 "Exodus"