I forgot to post when I completed the grisly job of scraping brushing hoovering and scrubbing off the old foam and glue inside the forecabin and quarterberth. It was a truly awful job that took most of the winter in 2 hour bursts but the result is fabulous. I paid a professional to cut the carpet ( which is ordinary cheap wool mix non foam backed) and he spent two days sniffing glue and giggling as he stuck it up. I replace the flooring, reupholstered and varnished the woodwork and now it looks like a proper little ship. The colours are coral upholstery, pinkish carpet and mahogany woodwork so the rest of the Club are talking about Madame Commodore's cabin now....[}:)]


Tim Reeder

When you renewed your headlining did you take out all the fittings including the wood panels? I just wondered how major a job it was.

Hope things are going well in Topsham.



  • Jan
  • Advanced Member
Hello All those struggling with their headlinings . I have just been in touch with Hawke House regarding replacement headlining and find they are offering a self adhesive foambacked carpet . Sounds a lot healthier to use than some of the adhesives recommended for this job. Has anyone experience of this material ?



peter lowry

i am in the process of re -lining the main cabin in Cleo

I Have bought the said lining from Hawke House but will not be starting job for a few weeks yet

i will keep this forum posted

Peter Lowry

Cleo SS 26 # 21

  • Jan
  • Advanced Member
Hello Peter

I will be very interested to hear how you get on. I was a little disappointed with the carpet samples they sent me , very thin and quite rough compared to the original.How do you intend to find any scew holes you cover in the reliniing process ?



John Elliott
After pondering for far too long-including all last season without any headlining in the forecabin-the guy reupholstering my berth cushions etc has recommended replacing the headlining with "Odyssey" sidelining from Kayospruce attached with a relatively new spray adhesive called "Trimfix". He assures me it will work AND the adhesive will permit minor adjustments to the lining as it goes on.

The prospect of it not working is so appalling that I am boggling at it. I guess the answer is to stop thinking and do something, or anything even!!

275/30 "Cascada"

275/30 "Cascada"
peter lowry
Hello All

i have just finished relining Cleo completely

I used and product from Hawke House marine called P80 carpet lining in light grey ( they also do a cream)

it is sticky backed and it was so easy to use--just cut to shape and peel and stick

i stripped all the old lining out and used it as template

I am very pleased with it and would recommend it

Odyssey at kayospruce does not sell anything with peel and stick

so you have to spray adhesive which from the last time i did this was a real pain ( and their product is a lot more expensive)

have fun

Peter Lowry

"Cleo" Superseal 26

John Elliott

I see the Hawke House material is in 1000mm width.

Did you have to run strips beamwise or was there sufficient material width to accommodate it lengthwise?

275/30 "Cascada"

275/30 "Cascada"
  • Jan
  • Advanced Member
Hi All

I have removed the forecastle headlining etc and scrapped of most of the grot that was left . I want to epoxy some shelving up before we replace the headlining but the surface of the glassfibre is far from clean , it still feels quite sticky. Has anyone any tips for removing this last remains of the sponge and glue ?
