Dear mister Voerman,
Whe are the proud owners of a Parker 275, number 41. My wive and I sailed the boat last week from Stavoren in Friesland to Oostmahorn in the North of Friesland (a province of Holland).
We would like to get in touch with mister Voerman who also owns a Parker and lives in Holland. Today I red his comment on the possibility of a falling liftkeel. Bill Parker assured that this isn't possible, but perhaps it's good to take precautions anyway. Therefore we would like to have a copy of his solution of this unlikely but -with Murphy's law in my head- possible problem.
Also we intend to become member of the SSA, devison Parker 275.
We hope to get all possible info to get all oiut of this extremely fine boat!
with friendly greetings,
Olga & Ale Hansma
a.hansma AT
Ale Hansma