Don Harvey
Does any owner of a late model 325 or the new 335, both of which have the calorifier in the stern, have any idea how to empty it for the winter months?


Don Harvey

Don Harvey


Don Harvey

Don Harvey
I have solved my own problem - the solution may be of interest to others who have the colirifier in the stern.

The background to this is that I discovered that when running off the water from the main tank, the colirifier remains full and so may suffer damage in severve cold conditions. This is because as with home hot water tanks, water is extracted from the tank by forcing cold water in at the bottom.

A solution is to unscrew both hot and cold pipes from the taps in the galley; place the cold water pipe in a bowl and then blow down the hot supply pipe so reversing the process. Within few seconds water will start to flow out of the cold pipe as a syphon process is started. This will completely empty the colirifier.

Don Harvey

Don Harvey


Don Harvey

Hi Don,

Just found your tip for the winter months. As this is our first winter coming up with a 325 (+calorifier) is there anything else you can suggest we do to prepare?


Steve & Heather

Steve & Heather

Dancer 325/34

Mike Lockwood

I described how we did it in Newsletter 2009/02 using a 12V dinghy pump. Basically, open the hot taps in the galley and the heads and blow up the galley spout. Seemed to work but fingers crossed if a very severe winter.

Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/32

Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/35

Don Harvey

Mike's method may well work (though he is a little unsure :-)) With the process I describe above it takes no effort at all to suck and get the process started - and it does work. The issue is that to ensure the tank is empty one needs to get the cold water supply pipe below the base of the tank as the pipes to/from the galley rise some inches over a low ridge.

Once flowing it's a simple matter to put your thumb over the pipe whie you empty the bowl. Releasing your thunmb starts the wtar eflowing again.

The only other task I used to do was run antifleeze through the engine.



Don Harvey


Don Harvey

Thanks, that worked a treat, including the thumb bit. Got it done this weekend, and drained the fresh water pump (Was very glad of the heating system for 2 days, it was so cold already)The only thing I will do is enlarge the hole in the shelf that the pipes pass through, so I won't have to take off the connector ends. Engine is closed circuit with antifreeze, so hopefully all will be well, Thanks again

Steve & Heather

325 Dancer

Steve & Heather

Dancer 325/34

Mike Lockwood
Just to confim that my method worked and the water system survived the cold winter (unlike some other boats at Bucklers Hard).

Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/32

Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/35

Like wise,all OK. System refilled with no leaks. Even better water pressure after cleaning the filter on the pump.




Steve & Heather

Dancer 325/34