I had a Suerseal surveyed this year, and subsequently bought it.
The surveyor was recommended, and was indeed meticulous.
Even he, however, missed two problems, which have turned out to be serious.
Firstly, the recently fitted diesel/saildrive had an incompatible single lever control. I have only found this out the hard way, and face an expensive rebuild.
Secondly, the rudder problem posted on the Superseal section.
It is the latter that brings me to ask questions.
Many surveyors are competent and thorough. However, due to the hundreds of yacht designs they are forced to be generalists.
As all yacht designs seem to have their own endemic problems, specialist surveyors are needed, e.g. one who only surveys Seals.
Any comments, or suggestions:-
1/ could be achieved?
2/ would work?
3/ is necessary?
Frank Marsden
Frank Marsden