First posted : 17/05/1999 13:32:22
I have found that I can have all the advantages of a well mounted O/B, and yet full steerability - even from a standstill. This can greatly assist mooring & docking.
My Mk2, Sunbeam (149), has a Tohatsu 5HP L/S in a well. The well does look a bit home made - the mounting pad flexes a bit too much and the original full width Lazarette lid has simply had a cut out to clear round the engine. I think this may be typical of many Mk 2s. It may not work on all Seal 22s, but I found that by packing the pad up by 3/4", I could "steer" my engine through 360 degrees (without the optional remote tank hose and electrics connected of course - that does limit things a little bit). With this arrangement, the cavitation plate was just comfortably clear of the hull underside at all times - easily checked by fully rotating whilst on the trailer though.
Have a look before you launch - it could be time well spent.
Coming back to the locker lid, this is crying out to be remade into 2 small hinged lids either side of the well. Has anyone got any tips on how to remould?
Phil Longhurst