Brian Banham
My keel position shock cord has come undone from mast spreaders with mast up. Has any one else had this problem and how can you refix it when on the water?


Brian Banham 235/59

Brian Banham 235/59

Hi Brian,

I don't use mine as my keel goes down in March and back up in October, but I suggest a length of string with a moderate weight attached (shackle?) to throw up and over spreader which can then be used to pull up the shock cord - put a loop in this, and voila!

Just realised that this is easier to do than to describe but am sure you'll get the idea!

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Graham Ebb
Hi Brian,

The only thing you need to be careful about is the wire strop. The keel indicator line lifts this as the keel is raised. If you lift the keel without it, it might get stuck inside.


Graham Ebb 235/25 Blue Jazz

Hello, I'm new here. Having just bought a P235, I have lots of questions and, funnily enough, my first one was going to be about the keel indicator line. After I bought the boat, I discovered that the line had broken some time in the past and was jammed in a tangle down the side of the keel! Fortunately it freed when I first launched the boat and lowered the keel. As Graham points out, it's needed to keep the wire strop lifted. But I don't know how it's meant to be rigged. I can't see it on any photos on the website. The line I retrieved was a length of thin polyester cord. Should it really just be a length of shock cord running up to a spreader?

Also, I have no keel locking pin. What form does that take and does it just bear on the deck when in use?

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche


Hi Anthony - and welcome aboard! You'll find this forum very useful for all the little queries that need answering!

Yes, the grandly named 'keel indicator marker' is simply a cord attached to the wire strop at the top of the keel which is then attached to a bungee up to the spreaders. That's it!

I initially put 3 knots in mine to indicate keel third up, half up etc but actually did away with it completely and now have a short cord just to the mast foot to prevent the wire strop jamming down the keel side when raising it (which I rarely do).

The keel retaining pin is a short alloy tube about 8" long x 1/2" diameter on a piece of cord (to stop it falling overboard) which slips through the wire eye when the keel is up and rests on the deck to support the keel. There should be two little shock cord 'hoops' each side of the keel slot through which this passes.

Easier to show than to describe so if none of this makes sense I'll take a photo when next on boat!

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Stephen Godber

235/51 "Exodus"

Stephen, thanks for your reply. I have already found this forum very useful.

I've no 'hoops' present of any sort to hold a keel pin in place - perhaps that's why the pin is missing! There are no fixings for shock cord there either, but perhaps it could be held in place by the keel box cover.

Assuming the pin is straight, it would bear only on points of the curved (& raised) keel box cover; should there be raised bearing points on the deck to either side?

I think I too will just run a cord from the foot of the mast from the wire strop - it'll mean less string to deal with when raising and lowering the mast. For keel position indication, I'll just mark the lifting line.

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

Anthony Russell

235/02 Sea Wyche

Yes, on my P21, I've just marked the keel uphaul rope in appropriate places (fully up, fully down, halfway). I do have the wire strop as well, but only use it to take the weight of the keel when it's up. I do have the top end of the strop attached to the mast step, but I don't like to think what would break first if I dropped the keel!


Parker 21 / 18 Dawn

Brian Banham
Many thanks for all of your comments.As there appears to be enough water under hull at all states of tide I think I will keep line simple and attach to foot of mast.

Brian Banham 235/59

Brian Banham 235/59
Graham Ebb
Hi Antony,

Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have started to enjoy its benefits already, thats great.

I hope you enjoy your 235 as much as we all do.

Best wishes

Graham Ebb

235/25 Blue Jazz