Stuart Tucker
All, for several months now I have watching the forum to see what central measures PSSA will take with respect to supporting our boats / sourcing spares etc, particularly if one is an owner of a Parker built yacht, post the demise of Parker Yachts. Forseeably, we could be on our own and without a builder for a long time to come!

Even on this Forum there is a considerable amount of data / knowledge / contact names / companies / email / telephone numbers scattered about, which should now really collected and collated centrally on the PSSA web site.

Further, has PSSA had a conversation with Bill Parker about obtaining (or even buying) his parts list information and even copies of his drawings for each of the yachts? It does seem to me to be vastly more important that urgent leadership is focussed into this area now (particularly now that hull moulds have been sold) than perhaps debating our future name?! We really do need this information to keep our boats valuable and sought after! It will also make PSSA even more essentual and successful than it is now!

Can anyone please advise what is being done on our belhalf in this area by PSSA and whether an section within our web site can be dedicated to collecting this supply information, part numbers etc etc, prepared in such a way that we can all access it and add to it!

P325 Pegasus.
Tim Reeder

I have a posting on this on the general chat forum. I agree we need to do our best to protect our boat spares sources. We are expecting a general update from Bill Parker.

We have a committee meeting on Saturday and I hope to report back on this soon.

Tim Reeder


Stuart Tucker
Thanks Tim, I have seen your posting. Looking forward to your next report with respect to conversations with Bill Parker.

However, I do believe my other point regarding the collection of contact information centrally for each type of yacht on the website is also valid, regardless of the outcome of your discussions with Bill. Could you raise this idea about setting one up with the Commitee too?

