  • brock
  • Member Topic Starter
Hello everyone,
I am thinking of fitting a lazy jack to the mainsail on Sprog (21/96 )
on the grounds that it would make life easier,just zip up the mainsail cover when leaving the boat and head for the bar !!

I find the present mainsail cover a bit of a fiddle and wondered if anyone else has fitted one......
Terry Gates
I bought a Packaway system from Kemp sails last winter on a Southampton Boat Show offer. I have been very pleased with it. It has made single-handed or almost-single-handed sailing much easier.

I have to remember to slacken-off the lazyjacks before raising the mainsail otherwise the battens easily catch in them. Having done that it is just then a matter of having enough sea room heading into the wind to get the main up.

Dropping the main is a doddle, making single-handed sailing much easier. When I have a crew they appreciate not having a flogging mainsail spoiling their view or disturbing the peace.

As you say the system removes one job to do at the end of the day - zip up and go.

Terry Gates
"Kitty" P21 No. 99
Terry Gates
"Kitty" P21 No. 99
  • brock
  • Member Topic Starter
Thanks Terry,as a lot of my sailing is also solo the system should make life a lot easier. Thanks for confirming that the system works well.
