Brian R Fisher
I was interested to discover on the web that, for a mere $60,000, I could buy the rights for the 235, presumably in America. To quote

"The design, tooling and manufacturing rights for the Parker 235 are now for sale to include production moulds, jigs and patterning etc. A full inventory is available for inspection together with information regarding current build costs and profit margins."

I can't see if this is an old posting, it isn't dated.
Curious! I wonder what the full details are on this - it is not something I have heard about.

Web site address is
Ken Surplice
Brian and Bob, thanks for alerting us to this. It is indeed an interesting development which we discussed at the PSSA Committee Meeting last weekend. By chance it comes at a time when a sailing magazine is about to visit a member with a P235 and produce an article from it.

Ken Surplice