Sorry to join the thread so late. For what it's worth I had my first bout of calorifier trouble, luckily just before setting off but definitely added to the stress!
John - my pressure relief valve drains through a pipe into the rudder rod box, thence out to sea. Good in principle, but not when it started releasing constantly and began to rot the wooden drip tray on the inside face of the transom, so...
Mike B - the helpful people at Penguin Marine down the road on Hayling advised removing the PRV and soaking it overnight in vinegar, this improved things, but not completely cured it, so...
Malcolm - I bought a new PRV, I found it is not easy to get exactly the right temp and pressure but something close should do it, but it took a while to come and while I was waiting...
Mike B again - I had the brainwave of replacing the little Whale flow switch next to the FW pump, which I had thrown away a year before when it stopped the whole system and I thought it wasn't important. Turns out it was, and it was by far the cheapest and easiest replacement of the lot. No idea why you need this as well as the pump, which only switvches on at low pressure, but it turns out it was presumably over-pressuring the system. WHen I had the pump on and hot water at the same time (engine or immersion) the PRV was delivering a cup of scalding water onto the rudder box every hour or two, and sometimes into the bilges as well.
Since then, no problems (or none that I have found yet) and I have been doing a lot of motoring...
Peter Dann
Blue Moon 325/32