Peter Scrivens tells me:

Following on from the day I had sailing Zephyr with Jake Frith, editor of Sailing Today , the article has now appeared in the July edition of the magazine.

It seems to make excellent reading and they have devoted 6 pages to the article with some very good pictures as well. Their verdict was generally very complimentary and said that there is an active owners association. They said prices are a bit high but that this reflected the build quality compared to cheaper offerings from abroad.

I'm just going out to buy a copy!


Parker 21 / 18 Dawn

Good Luck Geoff, Hope you managed to get a copy. I have now tried W H Smith Leek,Tesco Conwy, Sainsburys Nantwich, Spar shop Conwy, ASDA, and other not so well known outlets looks like ordering it online may be the answer.

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235

Gary/Ruth/& Skipper the Working Cocker Spaniel

Crew of Juicy Blue P235