Sorry to be slow in responding to this post. We bought a Rocna 10kg anchor 3 years ago after a talk and demonstration at our club. It took a lot of measuring and eventually making a cardboard replica to persuade ourselves it would fit! We added 40m of 12mm anchorplait line with 10m of 7mm chain.
To stow this, we turn the anchor through 90 degrees and place the shaft under the forward end of the locker. It sits well, but only in the correct place. I made a wooden floor for the locker (in two parts to be able to insert it) with supports for the blade and a turnbuckle to hold it in place. A small line secures it as an extra. I hope the pictures show this.
The anchor has been fantastic, biting first time quickly and has never dragged, so far. Confidence in anchoring soared as a result. It has been fairly easy to lift, although our east coast mud is a pain to clean once it is back aboard. I do wonder about adapting the bow roller to be able to leave it out, which might make cleaning a bit easier.
We did fit a stainless plate to the bow to avoid damage during launch and recovery, but it shows no sign of being bashed too often.
Hope this helps.

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