  • PeterL
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Having enjoyed the 'Splash & Dash' feature in the newly arrived magazine I thought I should share some detail of my own trip also made in June.My first mate was unable to join me so I duly prepared and considered the trip as very much a 'training' exercise made single handed and in suitably short hops.In fact the perceived high pressure slot duly arrived giving a benign if light following SW wind all the way to the limit of my trip on the Verse Meer and then obligingly turned to the NE to blow me all the way back down the coast and across to Ramsgate,in some style.The boat too proved be in-between glitches. Apart ,that is, from a mornings worry when ,on the very point of leaving Ostend for Breskens the keel refused to lift when tested for the expected shallow duty ahead and cleared only when the normal hoist was slackened and the spinnaker halyards were applied together on the rolling run toward Zebrugge.It's operated normally and frequently ever since so was perhaps some kind of harbour debris that lodged it out of parallel. 

Peter Lawson

SS 27 #131 'Fulmar of Hollowshore'


I misread and thought it said "New Zealand"!!!!

Anyway impressive none the less.

However the link to the picasa albumn doesnt seem to work??


Parker 275 Number 7 Nimrod

Port Edgar Marina

  • PeterL
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hi Rob,

I'm not sure why this has stopped working but I've just renewed the link and it is : 

Maybe it is because along the line I corrected the album title from Holland to Zeeland.

Thank you for persevering.
