  • Jan
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hi All

Does anyone have a drawing of the skeg ? my boatyard has managed to bend mine and although it should be possible to straighten it. I am inclined to make a slightly stronger one to protect my new prop.

Jan Newman

Blue Moon 325/32

Mike Lockwood
Hi Jan.

I don't have drawings but might possibly have photos. If you want dimensions, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until we come out next winter.

Let me know.

Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/35

  • Jan
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hello Mike

Thanks for reply , I have sketched mine up before Blue Moon went back into the water, it appears to be a simple blade welded to the U shaped piece mounted on the fibreglass skeg which holds the prop shaft tunnel. It bent just below the weld area. Is your a similar design ?

Mine was straightened although at only 6mm thick will it stay straight ?

I note that there is a different shape on the boat photographed for the Yachtnet website.

Jan Newman



Mike Lockwood
Hi Jan. I've emailed you some photos showing the bent skeg bought with the boat and of the replacement. You will see there is a wing either side with anodes. I got corrosion of my ropecutter so I have a wire attaching that to one of the anodes. Hope that helps. If you need dimensions, let me know late in the autumn when Lucky Devil will be coming out for the winter.
Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/35

Mike Lockwood
Jan, my email has been reported as undelivered to newman@optimum.demon.co.uk. Have you a different address? I have not managed to attach all the photos to this post!
Mike Lockwood

Lucky Devil

Parker 325/35

  • Jan
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Hello Mike

Thank you very much for the photos you have put on the forum. Your skeg seems quite different to ours in that it has the side blades.

My mail address is newman@optimim.demon.co.uk .

I now have dimensions for my skeg and will get a new one made up ready for when Blue Moon comes out of the water again. Ours only has the vertical fin for support and I am tempted to increase both the thickness and length of it.



Blue Moon .