Stuart Tucker
Hi all,

Pascal Claeyssens is having some problems with his Keel Ram. When he purchased is boat he had to restore the Ram with a new component. Are there any 325/335 owners who have withdrawn their Rams for winter servicing? If so, please could you provide pictures and measurement dimentions. Also does anyone actually know what the original manufacturers part number was and who they were?

Best Regards,


Pegasus 325/37
I am having my ram serviced.I will take some measurements and photos when I get it back.
Regards Richard
Stuart Tucker
Thanks Richard
Thanks Stuard and Richard,
The usefull mesurements would be when the ram is completly collapsed and also fully extented. What a misfortune that the Parker shipyard is closed.There are 2 possibilities for the bottom ram head is bent: the ram when is collapsed is too long or when the crane put the boat completly on the ground, after taking off the bottom ram axis, the ram was forced because the shipyard man has not push in the same time the button which lifts the ram. But I suppose there is a security for overpressure.
I have send my broken rudder to Milanes today.
Happy new year for all PSSA members.
Pascal Claeyssens.
  • Jan
  • Advanced Member
Hello Pascal \and all
A Happy New Year to you .
The lower end of the ram should fit into a fairly small "Pocket" in the keel , either side ( fore and aft) of this there is a ledge .
I have discovered lots during my first effort at changing the ram anode, all by trial and error, It is possible for the lower end of the ram to catch on this ledge so if the boat is lowered onto the keel without the lower end of the ram properly located it is possible to bend the ram even if it is the correct length. I suppose the test should be , if the boat is on the mud , is the top of the hydraulic cylinder hard up on its mounting ? It should be loose.

Jan Newman
Blue Moon
Hello Jan, Stuart and all
I suppose that could be by this manner the bottom ram end is bend. I have never looked at the top hydrolic cylinder when the boat is on the mud, but very interesting test indeed. Now the ram is at the ram fabric and I need the true dimensions. Do you know who has made the ram for Parker 325/335 in England?
A happy new year to you,( with less boat problems than me!)
Pascal Claeyssens
Hope this helps I have not fitted the ram yet so let me know if you need any more details

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Thanks again Jan.
That is enought. Are the mesurements from the middle of the top hole to the middle of the bottom hole?
Very good help for me, to see if there is no mistake withe the lenght.
Best regards
Pascal Claeyssens
  • Jan
  • Advanced Member
Hello Richard, Pascal and all
Great to see the dimensions , something we all thought, "Should have measured it when out !"
Is that a new ram Richards or just very clean ?
When I got mine out, it looked terrible , rust blisters all over, but when I had cleaned it , the actually diameter of the cylinder was down only a 0.1 mm or so . I therefore painted it and put it back but i would like to put a stainless one in its place.


Blue Moon
Hello Richard, Jan and Stuart,
Two years after,the ram paint is like new (a special antirust marine paint)is like new.Thanks very much to Richard ( for the photo and mensurations). My ram has the good lenght. It would be when the boat was under the crane the bottom end was litlle bent. A new bottom end is screwed now!
When I had taken off the old ram (3 years ago), there were a lot of grease all round the ram body and the ram bottom was wrapped by several greased fabric coats and also around the bottom hose fitting.
Now we are fatherless without the Bill Parker 's help. So, we need to have the more datas, descriptions and good addresses about our Parker boats in the PSSA for all members.
Best regards
I also thank Bob for this usefull post. Another information: Rob Jenks, Phil Milanes' sucessor (Milanes foils), has the Parker 325/335 rudder mesurements since I have sent my broken rudder.I am waiting the new one.
Stuart Tucker
Hi Pascal, I am glad to hear that you are fixing your problems and things are getting better for you! Stuart