Dear All,
Hoping that someone might have had a similar experience and can advise:
When raising the keel, the thin guide wire (which normally comes up through the hole in the deck) appears to have got stuck, possibly down the side of the keel, so that it doesn’t come up with the keel - and in fact was being pulled down further as we tried to raise it.
We’re nervous of trying to raise the keel further for fear that the wire will snap – not a problem in itself but we’re not sure if we’ll then be able to retrieve the end still attached to the keel, and whether it might damage the side of the keel or its housing as we raise it.
It may be very straightforward, but we don’t want to risk causing any damage….
Any ideas gratefully received – or any recommended repairers in the Poole area?
June T (Parker 275, No 6)
(07970 694503)