It's Fast approaching the August Bank Holiday rally to Chichester and originally Bembridge on the beach. Unfortunately Bembridge Yacht Club have moved their line of moorings for their Redwings much closer to the beach and as such, it is now no longer practical to attempt to go up on the beach there. I have chosen Priory Bay as an alternative so long as the wind is SW or there abouts, it should be well protected and if we pull our boats up the beach around 2~3 hours after high water we should be safe from waves caused by passing ships.
Saturday Chichester HW 1151. I would suggest arriving 1400~1500 and beaching, this will allow you to get off in the morning any time from 0930 on Sunday if you want to have a little sail around the harbour before setting off for Priory Bay.
Sunday Chichester HW 1225 Leave Chichester around HW and sail in company to Priory Bay (approx 2hours)
Drinks at 1800 on the beaches on both days provided by FRITH followed by your own BBQs.
Hope you can make it and the weather holds!
email me if you hope to join in at or mobile 07711185124