Back 8 months ago, I had to remove Annalise from its berth place in august (Ploubazlanec, north Brittany) as the lift keel system happened to be damaged beyond repair possibilities. I simply could not lift the keel and was force to put Annalise ashore in a Paimpol yard. Annalise dries out in soft mud just close to our house.
I finally resolve to look for a replacing solution and after many unsuccessful contacts, found a company in the Granville area which designed, and manufactured in december 2018 a brand new system.
The new "treuil" is better designed (presence of barings), better manufactured (larger teeths for the drum, bronze component, and looks more solid (the steel surrounding is more "heavy duty").
I was very pleased with the outcome in december but decided not to communicate before real usage confirm my original impression.
I have sailed Annalise for a couple weeks now and it is perfectly working.Lifting the keel happens to be much easier than it used to be.
I am willing to send plans and pictures of the system, as well as company references if anybody finds it useful.
Last but not least, the price was in my opinion very reasonable (1124€ Vat included).
Paul Rapp