1.1 No member of the PSSA is authorized to provide on behalf of the PSSA any statement as to the suitability of the yacht or its crew to take part in any race. Responsibility for safety remains with the yacht’s owner or skipper.
1.2 Races shall be governed by the RYA Racing Rules of sailing 2017 – 2020 except as modified by these Sailing Instructions, the Notice of Race or its Addenda.
1.3 A yacht will be deemed to be taking part in the race provided its entry has been accepted and it has crossed the starting line within the allowable starting time.
1.4 Night racing will not take place unless stated in the Notice of Race.
1.5 Rule 42.1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing is hereby amended to permit the use of automatic steering devices.
1.6 No declaration form will be required to be signed after the race.
1.7 Scoring will be based on the Racing Rules of Sailing Appendix A – Scoring Section A3. Scoring is based on elapsed time corrected according to the PY number for the yacht. The PSSA PY numbers shall be used.
2.1 Notices to competitors will available from the Committee Boat before the race. The Committee Boat will display a Blue flag.
2.2 The Committee Boat will display the International Code flag L by way of indication of a change in either the Sailing Instructions or the Notice of Race. It shall be the responsibility of the skipper to obtain new instructions.
2.3 The Race Committee shall determine whether a race will be run or not, and which course (where there is a choice of courses) to use.
2.4 Where more than one course is indicated in the Notice of Race, the Committee Boat shall display information and/or communicate by radio, the course to be sailed.
2.5 The Sailing Area will be shown on an addendum to the Notice of Race.
3.1 The starting procedure shall be as Rule 26 in the Racing Rules of Sailing as follows:
Warning: 1 sound five minutes before start, class flag displayed.
Preparatory: 1 sound four minutes before start, preparatory flag displayed.
One-minute: 1 long sound, preparatory flag removed.
Starting: 1 sound, class flag removed.
3.2 The starting line will be the mast of the Committee Boat and a buoy stated in the Notice of Race.
3.3 A yacht shall not start later than 30 minutes after the starting time.
3.4 In accordance with Rule 29.1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing, when a yacht which is on the course side of the start line before the start of the race, two short sounds and an X flag shall be displayed.
3.5 In accordance with Rule 29.2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing, general recall will be sounded comprising two short signs and a First Substitute flag displayed. The First Substitute flag shall continue to be displayed until the Warning signal for the new start is made.
4.1 The finishing line shall be the mast of the Committee Boat and a buoy identified in the Notice of Race.
4.2 A retiring yacht shall communicate its withdrawal from the race to the Committee Boat as soon as possible preferably by radio.
Portsmouth Yardstick Handicaps & Allowances
The following PY numbers will be allocated for all PSSA races held during 2019:
1150 Seal Sinbad outboard engine drop keel standard rig
1140 Seal 22 outboard engine drop keel standard rig
1095 Seal 28 inboard engine fixed 2 blade prop drop keel short rig
1080 Seal 850 inboard engine fixed 2 blade prop drop keel short rig
1065 Seal 850 inboard engine fixed 2 blade prop drop keel tall rig
1063 Parker 21 outboard engine drop keel standard rig
1030 Parker 235 outboard engine drop keel standard rig
976 26/27/275/285 inboard engine folding prop drop keel standard rig
950 Parker 31 inboard engine folding prop drop keel standard rig
940 Parker 325/335 inboard engine folding prop drop keel standard rig
The following allowances will be applied to boats not conforming to the above specifications:-
a) Boat with no spinnaker (declared by 1800hrs on the day before event to Race Officer):- + 40.
b) Boat with cruising chute but no spinnaker (declared by 1800 hrs on the day before to Race Officer): + 20.
c) Allowance for different engine/propeller configurations:-
From To
OD 0 +10 +20 +40
IBF -10 0 +10 +30
IB2 -20 -10 0 +20
IB3 -40 -30 -20 0
OB = outboard engine
IBF = inboard engine with folding propeller
IB2 = inboard engine with fixed 2 blade propeller
IB3 = inboard engine with fixed 3 blade propeller
d) Allowance for different keel configurations:-
From To
F 0 -10 0
D +10 0 +10
R 0 +10 0
F = fixed keel
D = drop keel adjustable while racing
R = retractable keel fixed down whilst racing
e) Boats having other variations to the relevant class standard may have the above PY numbers amended at the absolute discretion of the sailing committee.
To calculate corrected time:-
a) Convert elapsed time of the boat into seconds.
b) Divide elapsed time (in seconds) by PY number allocated to the boat and multiply by 1000.
c) Convert result, (in seconds), back into hours, minutes and seconds to arrive at corrected time.