peter lowry
Web Designer Wanted.

Our web master Geoff Turner has, after 15 or so years, decided it is time to hand over the reins of the web to someone new.
He has done a fabulous job of running this, but due to other commitments does not now have the time to dedicate to the upkeep of our website.

Your committee would like to find someone who would have the knowledge to be able to do the following:
• Update the website with a more modern look,
• Make it more user friendly i.e. easier for all to navigate
• Allow multiple people to update pages, as required
• Make it self-maintaining
• Make it easy to manage, without always going through the web-master

This post does not have to be a committee post (unless you want to come, of course)
Initially we are looking for someone who can set it up, get it up and running and hand over to an administrator.
Sue and I, are happy to help where we can, Geoff will be on hand for a smooth transition through out.

****** Is there anyone out there who would like to help your Association ? ******

Please contact one of us to have a chat and we can talk you through what is required
Thank you

Peter Lowry 07528425377
Sue Surplice 07986986398
Ken Surplice
Geoff has done a sterling job for many years. An active website is a great way to bind the membership, share tips and arrange meet ups. As I understand it, our wonderful web was adopted and re-programmed by Geoff and these days sites are assembled from templates rather than programmed. Perhaps there is a Wordpress user in the association who might help?
Part of the problem is that the membership database uses .Net and links to the forum database ( ). So ideally, we'd need someone with Microsoft / SQL server skills rather than Wordpress. A possible CMS we could use is DotNetNuke .