Parker 325 no 37 was built May 1998. The opening cabin port light seals are getting tired and beginning to drip. The acrylic windows also crazed.
Been in touch with Houdini Marine and whom originally sold these to Bill Parker, they have identified them as Moonlight 81 series, opening cabin light and the seal as part number - XO 22123.
Houdini have recommended for a replacement seal, but having searched I cannot locate a new seal with a similar profile. Houdini have also suggested that they can make a fixed window version, but over the galley, it's really needed as an opening!
Unfortunately, the Series 81 is no longer manufactured or supported by Moonlight. Whilst it's possible to get new acrylic window panes made, the seal seems impossible to source. In addition, none of the new Moonlight Series windows and frames seem to fit the old holes!
Suspect that this type of window may have been used by Bill used across the Parker range from 235, 275, 285 and also the 31, as well as the 325 and possibly some earlier 335's.
Has anyone come across this problem and what did you do?! If not, any thoughts?
Cheers, Stuart
Pegasus P325/37