Before I attempted to raise or lower my mast I made an internet YOUTUBE search , there are quite many Video,s on the subject, I strongly recommend watching a few.
The stainless steel pole is known as a "Gin" pole. I use my spinnaker pole which is clipped on to the forward eye at the base of the mast although I now use an M16 Eye nut fitted onto the mast foot bolt in place of the nut; I think this is stronger than the two rivets holding the eye. The Gin Pole require stabilizing line fixed to its outer end and run back through a block fitted to the halyard turning blocks in line with the mast foot. Run this back and make off on the middle deck cleat. Check that your Gin pole rotates back in a smooth central arc before attempting to drop the mast.
I raise and lower my mast single handed but do cheat in that I have a 12v electric hoist which is radio controlled. It is fastened to the trailer under the bow with the Dynema winch line running through temporary turning block to guide it neatly to the end on the Gin pole. It leave me free to walk around and check everything is lining up properly - particularly when erecting mast check the shroud turn buckles are lined up. These winches are available on ebay - mine cost £90 a few years ago.