Hi all. I Finally got to launch my Sinbad (scheherazade) last year, after her 18 year absence from the water. My only problem has been trying to work out how the rudder up haul and down haul lines are situated. From memory and, looking at the pieces, bolt size compared to hole size etc, it looked straightforward. Memory serves me that the down haul is elasticated and should be attached to the leading edge of the rudder. The up haul has a 10 mil piece of cord of about 10in long attached by a large bolt to the trailing edge, then a longer length of rope running up to the tiller. So far so good, however, when i mated all the pieces together, mounted the rudder onto the transom, the elasticated down haul and up haul are now reversed. Has anyone got a set of plans that show the set up correctly.[:D]