David Tilley
I was wondering whether the stantion tubes/guardrail should be perpendicular to the waterline or be angled. My stantion tubes have a bend in the base section and were angled inwards but others who are more knowledgeable suggest they should be angled out to compensate for the angle of heel when going forward on the windward (high) side deck. As the previous owner made a number of strange choices in his later years I have thought they may have been bent accidentally bent and then randomly redistributed so I planned to get them straightened but who knows...The Shadow knows!

David Tilley
David Tilley
philip linsell
On rascal my 26 the stanchions bend inwards, I assume this is to stop them projecting outside the deck edge and getting caught up.
They seem the same on both sides, so I reckon this is how it was made.