My Seal 22 Lora is 1975 vintage and the keel has never been removed. I paint the stubb each year and get the lifting gear and wires overhauled but the main body of the keel is rusting away inside the keel case. I have taken the view that there's enough metal to last the life of the boat, but I'm now thinking of getting the keel removed for cleaning, painting or possibly epoxy coating. Any suggestions?

Robert Bradley
Robert Bradley
philip linsell
Hello Robert
I was lucky when I owned Tulena, my 22, as the keel had previously been removed. Stainless steel bolts had replaced the original steel bolts.
If your original steel bolts are still in place they almost certainly will need drilling out, that I understand is quiet a job.
With the bolts out the neoprene blocks can be removed and the boat can be lifted off the keel.
I would not be too worried about the keel itself but what needs close examination is the inside of the keel box. On Tulena the edges of the neoprene blocks were cutting grooves in the fibreglass. I filled these with 'hard' filer and rounded the corners of the blocks before refitting.
I cleaned the keel with a hammer and power sander to remove the worst of the rust, Primacon in several layers was still holding most rust back several years later.
I hope this helps you in deciding what to do.
Philip Linsell ex Tulena, now rascal ss 26