I am at present working at Fosdyke Yacht haven....

Today Parkers van pulled in the yard with a new 285 in tow....

Bill and 2 others spent the day rigging and preparing her...

Think she was called "Sunflower" and was in Blue...

She is being launched tomorrow I think..

When they pulled the main sail up I noticed the seal logo on the sail...

She looked very beautiful and was very envious, she looked a LOT bigger than my 235 , only 20 yards away. Will try and get a picture of her tomorrow with mine in the background..

My signature.

Parker 235/ 40 Lady Penelope...

Paul Burton.

Wayfarer no.9362
Don Harvey
The boat belongs to the Meads who have moved up from a 235 (also called Sunflower). It will be based in the Solent.

Don Harvey
Web Master
Parker 325 'Calypso'
Don Harvey