Dear Rob
We took our mainsheet off over the winter and put it back on a couple of days ago, and I took a photo of what it looked like. We're pretty sure this is the right way - but haven't yet tried it out... The sheet starts from the becket on the block on the traveller, up to the forward side of the aft block on the boom and then round the block, down to the aft side of the block on the traveller and round the block, up to the forward side of the middle block on the boom and round the block, down to the block on the traveller and finally up to the aft side of the forward block on the boom and forward to a block at the base of the mast, then back to the deck organiser and finally to the clutch on the coachroof. The text sounds really complicated - maybe the photo will be clearer - though there are a number of ropes looped round the boom to keep them off the coachroof, which doesn't help...
When we bought Delphine (previously Take Two) last autumn, she had five clutches and clam-cleat to starboard and four and a clamcleat to port. The clamcleats were used for the topping lift and spinnaker pole downhaul - and I'm afraid I haven't noted the current order of the lines in the clutches. We're replacing the two clamcleats by clutches and adding a clutch, and we expect then to have one clutch shared between the spinnaker pole downhaul and the third reef - since we can't imagine ever needing both these at the same time!

Best wishes
Delphine, Parker 275, no. 41