Rupert Snow

I have just had confirmation from penguin refrigeration that the controller unit for the cool box fridge is working fine, which leaves my fault at the switch, or the wiring, or a connection. Has anyone any ideas where I could get a replacement switch? I haven’t actually bypassed it yet, as haven’t had the controller back, but wanted to plumb the depths of the group knowledge to see where the fault could be and what solutions have been found in the past. Electricity for me is grouped alongside potions and necromancy; firmly in the wizarding realm, so please use muggle terminology where possible.

Rupert, Spartacus 70


I assume that you are looking for the square circuit breakers on the main control panel, below I have pasted the details from a previous post. All you need to do is chose the correct Amperage of the circuit breaker which is written on the body of the circuit breaker when you remove it. I note that prices have risen dramatically since my initial post. The link is for a 16Amp breaker, there are many others.

Circuit beakers for the switch panel are made by ETA and are available from Farnell Electronics amongst others. Beware some sites charging £28 each. 

or visit and search for '1110 circuit breaker'


Rupert Snow
Thanks Phil,

Much appreciated!
